Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Chemistry Ch.# 10

Wisdom Academy
Chapter 10

i. What is the difference b/w Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry base?
Ans. According to Arrhenius Base is a compound which gives hydroxide ions (OH-) in its aqueous solution. The general equation is:
           BOH(aq)       B+(aq)    +    OH-(aq)
         According to Bronsted-Lowry concept “A base is a substance that can accept proton (H+) from another substance. The equation is:
         HCl(aq)     +   NH3(aq)(Base)        NH+(aq)      +     Cl-(aq)
ii. What do you mean by neutralization reaction according to Arrhenius acid-base concept?
Ans. When acid reacts with base it forms water and salt it is called neutralization according to Arrhenius Acid-Base concept.
For Example:
     HCl    +    NaOH       NaCl   +   H2O
iii. Prove that water is an amphoteric specie?
Ans. Water is an Amphoteric specie because it act as both acid and base.
As an Acid:
             H2O        +    NH3                NH4+      +    OH-
As a Base:
             HCl       +     H2O                H3O+        +         Cl­-
iv. How can you justify that NH3 is Bonsted-Lowry base but not Arrhenius base?
Ans. According to Bronsted-Lowry Base is a substance which can accept a proton (H+) from another substance. But according to Arrhenius concept Base is a substance which gives hydroxide ions when dissociates in a aqueous solution. NH3 does not gives hydroxide ions in aqueous solution but it accept a proton from another substance. So, it is a Bronsted-Lowry base but not a Arrhenius Base.
v. State and explain neutralization reaction according to Lewis Concept?
Ans. According to Lewis concept neutralization reaction is a reaction  in which donation and acceptance of an electron pair takes place to form a coordinate covalent bond in an adduct.
                               NH3 + BF3  [NH3BF3]
vi. Define and give the characteristics of Lewis Acid?
Ans. According to Lewis “acid is a substance which can accept a pair of electron”.
1)   Lewis acid is a substance which accept a pair of electron.
2)  Lewis Acid form a coordinate covalent bond with other substance in order to accept a pair of electron.
vii. Why BF3 act as Lewis Acid?
Ans. BF3 acts as Lewis Acid because it accept a pair of electron from another substance which act as Lewis Base.
For Example:
               NH3    +    BF3    [NH3BF3]
Here BF3 accept two electrons and act as Lewis Acid.
Viii. Water is an amphoteric specie according to Bronsted-Lowry concept. What is its nature according to Lewis Concept?
Ans. According to Lewis concept Water act as  Base. Because it gives a pair of electron to hydrogen ion H+ and becomes hrdronium ion H3O+.

                 H+     +       H2O        [H3O]+
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